Wednesday, April 24, 2013


i was beginning to wonder if winter would ever end. We were hit with a surprise snow/ice storm the first week of April.  Finally, the winter has retreated and the flowers of spring are appearing everywhere.  We've been spending a lot of time at the property, cleaning out gardens and flower beds, hiking through the woods and playing down at the creek.

These little yellow wood violets are one of the first to appear.  They cover the floor of the woods, and are a welcome splash of color in area that is still covered in brown dead leaves.

 Bloodroot also blooming, and the may apples and trillium and just starting to poke out of the ground. i also found a wild ginger for the first time!  Funny how i can explore these woods for over a decade and still find new things. They are always changing.  i love this time of year, and could spend all day wandering through the woods looking for wildflowers.

We've been getting lots of creek time.  The kids would be here all day, everyday if they could.

We spotted our first snake! A sure sign that spring is here to stay!

The past few weeks have been full of ups and downs, and i will try to update eventually.  i'm also going to work on posting a few artist features/giveaways and product reviews again, as it's a nice distraction and helps me to keep this blog active.  i'm giving away a spring bendy doll over on FB this week, and will have a post up later today with the link and instructions for entering.

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.  ~Proverb


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